Upper Extremity Orthotics
Upper extremity orthoses are devices that are applied to improve functionality or restore structural characteristics of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. These problems include trauma, sports, or work-related injuries. These orthoses are also used for patients who have neurological problems, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, and peripheral nerve injury. They are also used for arthritic conditions.
Wrist/Hand Orthoses
Static Orthoses protects and immobilizes hands to correct contractures. They are used to prevent hyperextension, and aid ligament repairs. They are also used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, burns, scleroderma, or nerve injuries.
Dynamic Hand Orthoses maintain support while providing positioning support for fingers and assisting weak motor finger-extensor function. These devices are used with outrigger supports, cuffs, rubber bands, and hook applications.
Wrist Orthoses Tenodesis facilitate use of the natural tenodesis action of the wrist. Some wrist splints incorporate a palmer metal “spoon” insert for added wrist stability.
Cock-Up Wrist Splint may be used to treat a wide range of conditions localized at or near the wrist and hand.
Spica Splint immobilizes the thumb and/or wrist while allowing the other digits freedom to move. It is used to provide support for thumb injuries (ligament instability, sprain or muscle strain), gamekeeper’s thumb, osteoarthritis, de Quervain’s syndrome or fractures of the scaphoid, lunate, or first metacarpal. It is also suitable for post-operative use or after removal of a hand/thumb cast.

Shoulder/Elbow Orthoses
Shoulder Abduction Restraint protects a shoulder from recurrent dislocation.
Acromio/Clavicular Sling restricts motion of subluxated shoulders by utilizing humeral cuff and chest straps to maintain the humeral head within the glenoid cavity, with the entire weight of the arm suspended on the shoulder.
Elastic/Neoprene Elbow orthoses are fabricated of elastic or neoprene type materials and are used to treat strains, sprains, arthritis, bursitis, turf protection, and epicondylitis.
Articulated Elbow orthoses are available in free or limited range of motion (ROM) control. They are used to treat strains, sprains, arthritis, bursitis, turf protection, epicondylitis, and elbow hyper-extension.
Dynamic Elbow Splint is an active elbow brace that incorporates a spring loaded, adjustable tension mechanized elbow joint. It is used for bicep or triceps muscle re-education.
Shoulder Abduction Splint is a static orthosis designed to hold the arm in abduction with the elbow flexed and the forearm pronated. It is used in pre- and post-operative shoulder management, brachial plexus injuries, prevention of upper extremity joint contractures, Erby’s Palsy, post-muscle release and tendon transfer of the shoulder, and burn management in the axillary region.
Ulnar Fracture orthosis secures and maintain the reduction of isolated ulnar fracture while allowing adjacent joint movement.
Modular Elbow orthoses are designed with medial lateral adjustable range of motion (ROM) elbow joints attached to modular polyethylene arm cuffs. They are effective in limiting flexion and extension following elbow arthroplasty, distal humeral fractures, or post-reconstructive surgery.