Cervical orthoses treat multiple types of neck injuries and conditions while permitting the wearer to be mobile. Designed to control head movement and neck function, cervical orthoses vary greatly in the degree to which they immobilize the neck and unload head weight.
Soft Collars
Soft collars are made with soft foam covered by a breathable fabric and are adjustable in circumference. While this design is the most comfortable, these collars do not completely immobilize the neck. However, they restrict motion and are a reminder for the patient to reduce neck movement.
Aspen Cervical Collar
Aspen Cervical Collar optimizes support and comfort, two key components for better patient outcomes. The structure of the collar is engineered to provide substantial motion restriction without producing painful pressure points that can lead to skin breakdown or poor patient compliance. For ultimate comfort, all the collar’s contact surfaces are cushioned with cotton-lined, breathable foam padding.

Hard Cervical Collars
Hard Cervical Collars are made of plastizote, which is a rigid polyethylene material. Hard collars are more durable than soft collars. These collars offer head support for neck pain. relief of minor muscle spasm, interim stability and protection during halo application. Hard plastic or metal support collars are used to hold the neck of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), and other degenerative diseases where the muscles are too weak to support the weight of the skull.

Philadelphia Collar
Philadelphia Collar prevents head and neck movement after a spinal cord injury. It supports your neck muscles and gives your spinal cord and ligaments time to heal. The collar is made of hard plastic, with Velcro straps to keep it closed. The front piece has a chin cup. The back piece is curved and fits against the lower part of your head.
Sternal Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer (SOMI)
Sternal Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer (SOMI) orthosis is a rigid three-post cervical thoracic orthosis that consists of a rigid malleable chest plate that extends from the pectoral region to the xiphoid. The head sections are height adjustable. It is used for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, immobilization for neural arch features, controlling flexion at the atlantoaxial and C2-C3 segments.

Lerman Minverva
Lerman Minverva cervical orthosis consists of a thermoplastic anterior and posterior vest extending distally to the xiphoid region and secured to the body with Velcro straps.
HALO brace holds the head and neck in place so that the bones of the spine (vertebrae) can heal from an injury or surgery. The brace consists of an adjustable metal halo ring coupled to a rigid thermoplastic thoracic jacket by means of an adjustable metal framework. The entire assembly can be adjusted for optimal alignment and stabilization of the cervical spine.
Lerman Non-Invasive
Lerman Non-Invasive Halo is a pinless halo system developed with the goal of providing cervical spine immobilization and control similar to the standard halo in a less invasive fashion. The non-invasive halo stabilizes the head with a cervical ring and pads located on the forehead and occiput.

Miami J Rigid Cervical Brace
Miami J Rigid Cervical Brace restricts neck movement during recovery from fracture or fusion. Limits cervical motion in all three planes; mechanically restricts forward flexion and extension.