Many parents of infants are understandably upset when they learn that their baby has a head-shape anomaly, typically positional plagiocephaly, which is a flattening on one side of the head. But with prompt treatment, usually beginning at about three months of age, the child’s head will attain a normal shape.
It’s not uncommon for infants to have a skull that is not correctly shaped. In fact, one in three infants has some degree of skull distortion.
Interventions to shift the infant off the flattened area can include forms of therapy, such as (when awake and supervised) propping the baby on one side with a foam wedge, supervised “tummy time,” and limited time in car seats, infant seats, swings and strollers, to name a few.
Another option, requiring a physician’s prescriptions, is for the baby to wear a “helmet,” known as a Cranial Remolding Orthosis (CRO).
The CRO does not cause the child any pain and positive results are usually seen in a matter of 3 to 6 months.
At Leimkuehler Orthotic-Prosthetic Center, we use the STARband cranial remolding orthosis from Orthomerica. The STARband name is derived from its purpose – Symmetry Through Active Remolding.
The helmet orthosis provides total contact over the prominent areas of the skull and leaves a void over the flattened areas to facilitate more normal skull symmetry. The rigid outer shell maintains the structural design integrity and is either lined with closed cell foam to allow progressive adjustments or is made of a clear thermo-plastic material, which allows easy visual inspection of the areas of contact and voids within the orthosis.
Each helmet we provide is customized for the individual child’s cranium for optimal fit and function. It begins with a scan of your baby’s head with a SmartSoc® 3D Capturing System with CurveCap™. The scan takes one minute and converts 2D images to a 3D model. This non-invasive technology even allows patients to move during the scan. The scanner captures detailed head shape information and provides data we can use to monitor changes in head shape. The helmets are modified throughout the treatment program to accommodate growth, promote symmetry, and improve proportion.
Critical to having the CRO work is to have it on the baby’s head 23 hours a day, with short breaks throughout the day. Typically, after a short period of initial fussiness, the baby quickly gets over having the helmet on his head.
Many parents opt to customize the helmet through color, design, stickers, or other artwork. STARband has a plethora of designs to choose from that can be laminated on the helmet.
If your baby has positional plagiocephaly, our certified and licensed practitioners are experienced in the STARband and provide the gentlest care for our youngest pediatric patients. Contact us if you would like to learn more.